What is “Deucalion to Uranus”?

Here I will explain the origins and meanings behind this blog’s page and category names.

During the era when Zeus ruled both gods and mortals, humanity’s penchant for warfare led the king of gods to resolve that a great flood would mark the end of that age. Foreseeing the deluge, Prometheus warned his son, Deucalion, who thus survived the cataclysm with his partner, Pyrrha. Uranus symbolizes hope and the future, representing the heavens themselves, and the planet Uranus takes its name from him. Uranus also stands as the ruling planet of Aquarius. While one often associates Aquarius with Ganymede, a prince of Troy, there is another tradition that claims Deucalion as its mythic figure.

I have come to cherish these images—passing through darkness into rebirth and fresh creation.

“Deucalion to Uranus” is my own Aquarian space for personal reflections and observations. Here, my former self becomes a guardian to my present and future selves, forging identity and advancing step by step along the journey.

The blog is structured into two main categories—Mnemosyne and Athena—honoring the Greek mythological themes. Mnemosyne, Titaness of memory, gives her name to a category dedicated to various essays. These collected moments, impressions, and thoughts gradually weave together into memory and understanding. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, strategy, and craftsmanship, naturally represents a category where knowledge, strategic insights, and thoughtful commentary reside.

Agnostos Theo, meaning “unknown god,” does not designate any particular deity. Instead, it symbolizes a presence whose nature and name remain undisclosed. Within this site, it serves as a placeholder for writings not yet assigned to any specific category.

Eunomia, who presides over law, order, and stability, lends her name to the section containing site-related announcements, policies, and statements of rights and responsibilities.

Below is a concise overview of the subcategories and their scopes:


  • Reading: Book recommendations, reading impressions, and personal essays.
  • Music: Music sharing, reflections, and commentary.
  • Movie: Film-viewing thoughts and brief analyses.
  • Nexus: Notes on civic engagement and related activities.


  • Public Health: Discussions, knowledge-sharing, and insights on issues in public health.
  • Policy: Policy overviews, interpretation, and debate.
  • Agile: Explorations of agile management, leadership, and relevant themes.
  • Coaching: Conversations, experiences, and reflections on coaching and facilitation.
  • Data Science: Primarily content centered on data science discussions and experiences, occasionally branching into related fields.